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Outsiders Trying to Get In

This week, our flight takes us to nineteenth-century Cardiff, where Nathan is worried about the stiffs, Todd is shocked by all this talk about the butcher’s boy, and James is teaching Charles Dickens to enjoy life again mere months before he dies of a stroke. Turns out that we’re all just The Unquiet Dead.

Todd mentions Mark Gatiss’s Big Finish story Phantasmagoria (1999), starring Peter Davison and Mark Strickson, which he manages to get Charles Dickens to name-check in this episode.

Simon Callow’s willy can be seen in the film adaptation of E M Forster’s A Room with a View (1985), which also features an important cameo from Rupert Graves’s willy. Worth a look. (Not just for the willies. Honestly, grow up.)

Here’s Lawrence Miles’s blog post attacking Gatiss for the apparent anti-refugee subtext in this story. Elizabeth Sandifer disagrees with his reading of this story.

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Nathan is on Twitter as @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby and James is @ohjamessellwood. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam, and the strings performance was by Jane Aubourg. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast. You can also find surprising and completely accurate facts about Doctor Who at @FTEwhofacts.

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Over on Bondfinger, we haven’t yet got around to recording our commentary on 2015’s SPECTRE, but while you’re waiting for that, why not check out our commentaries on the Daniel Craig era, the Pierce Brosnan era or the Timothy Dalton era?

We also have plenty of Rodgecasts online, and there are other Bonds available, as well. Even fake ones.

You can keep up with the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

Episode 134: Outsiders Trying to Get In · Recorded on Monday 11 June 2018 · Download (73.3 MB)

Series 1The Ninth Doctor