Our podcasts
500 Year Diary

500 Year Diary is the companion podcast to Flight Through Entirety. While Flight Through Entirety travels through Doctor Who in chronological order, 500 Year Diary looks at the history of Doctor Who, thematically, tracing topics, ideas and even people through the history of the show.
The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire

The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire is our Doctor Who flashcast. A day or two after each episode of the second RTD era, your FTE hosts convene over the phone to deliver our steaming-hot ill-considered takes on its content and quality.
Startling Barbara Bain

Startling Barbara Bain is our commentary podcast about the 1970s sci-fi TV show Space: 1999. Created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, Space: 1999 tells the story of a moon hurled into the depths of space by a nuclear accident, at first encountering strange and numinous metaphysical phenomena, and later running into a bunch of guys in nylon gorilla suits.
Untitled Star Trek Project

In Untitled Star Trek Project, FTE host Nathan teams up with friend-of-the-podcast Joe Ford to watch random episodes of all the shows that make up the Star Trek franchise, sometimes providing important production detail and insightful critiques, and sometimes just laughing uproariously at the nonsense of it all.
The Three Handed Game

Celebrating the 1960s icon that is The Avengers, The Three Handed Game selects triptychs of episodes based around specific themes of the 1960s and today. This is a commentary podcast best listened to with the accompanying episode on DVD, Blu-ray, or streaming. And, just to keep things neat, it’s named after an episode of The New Avengers.
The Bjay BJ Game Show

Bjay Hobbs and our own Brendan ‘BJ’ Jones invite you to play a new indie video game each month in The Bjay BJ Game Show. Each game they cover costs less than $20 and can be completed in under 20 hours, making it the perfect show for gamers with packed schedules, tight budgets, or huge game piles of shame. Or, let’s be honest, all three.
Maximum Power

Maximum Power is a co-production with the Trap One podcast. It’s a podcast about Blake’s 7, a show which, like Space: 1999, Doctor Who and Star Trek, firmly plants one foot on either side of the line between nonsense and genius.
Jodie into Terror

Jodie into Terror was the spiritual forerunner of The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire. When it was announced that Jodie Whittaker would be the new Doctor, we realised that we couldn’t wait six or seven years to talk about her historic new era, and so we started to record our ill-judged off-the-cuff reactions to the new episodes just days after they aired.

Bondfinger was our James Bond commentary podcast, which also ended up covering shows like The Avengers, The Prisoner and even The Champions. It’s our second love, a testament not just to the James Bond movie series and the wonderful sixties TV that influenced it, but also to many glorious evenings at Richard’s place, eating and drinking and laughing ourselves stupid.