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River Knows All the Space Reasons

"Tell her, this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends.”

Amelia Williams

Many of us grow up: we live in a real world of marriages and families, jobs and mortgages. But some of us can never bring ourselves to leave our imaginary friend behind. Can you imagine the leaden apprehension when we learn that the choice has been taken from us forever? Kevin Burnard joins us for The Angels Take Manhattan.

It doesn’t take us long to mention that the Doctor is carrying the Target novelisation of this story around in his jacket. (“How does anything get there? I’ve given up asking.”) Steven Moffat’s one Target novelisation is his brilliant version of The Day of the Doctor. Worth a read.

Nathan has checked, and upsettingly there isn’t a chapter in the Doctor’s Melody Malone book called Escape to Danger, which sets it apart from a large number of Doctor Who novelisations.

Simon compares the experience of watching this story to the experience of watching the Star Trek: The Next Generation series finale All Good Things…. Of course, if you want to listen to Nathan and Joe Ford’s experience of watching All Good Things…, take a listen to their commentary in Untitled Star Trek Project, episode 18.

The Doctor’s plan to nip back in time to get the ceramicist to paint the word yowza on a Qin Dynasty vase was apparently inspired by Professor Chronotis, who pulls a similar trick between paragraphs in Douglas Adams’s Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.

And Rory gets to say a final farewell to his father Brian in a scene released by the BBC in 2012. You can find it here.

Follow us

Nathan is on Twitter as @nathanbottomley, Simon is @simonmoore72, Todd is @ToddBeilby, and Kevin is @scribblesscript. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

Kevin Burnard has been spending less time working on the Twelfth Doctor Fan Audios than before, but he still loves them enough to plug them here. His Untitled Faction Paradox Project is still incoming.

We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on Apple Podcasts, or we’ll disappear utterly from your life and leave you with an epic case of the sadz.

And more

You can find Jodie into Terror, our flashcast on the Whittaker Era of Doctor Who, at jodieintoterror.com, at @JodieIntoTerror on Twitter, on Apple Podcasts, and wherever podcasts can be found.

Our James Bond commentary podcast is called Bondfinger, and you can find that at bondfinger.com, at @bondfingercast on Twitter, on Apple Podcasts, and everywhere else as well.

We can also be heard on the Blakes 7 podcast Maximum Power, which will be returning soon with its coverage of Series B.

And finally, there’s our Star Trek commentary podcast, Untitled Star Trek Project, featuring Nathan and friend-of-the-podcast Joe Ford. In our most recent episode, we sat staring in horror at an Animated Series episode called The Time Trap.

Episode 235: River Knows All the Space Reasons · Recorded on Sunday 24 April 2022 · Download (59.4 MB)

Series 7The Eleventh Doctor