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You’re Not Katharine Hepburn

In a heartbreaking series finale, Brendan, Todd and Nathan say goodbye to Katy Manning, as we discuss naked aliens, two-syllable names, dog-headed maggots and patronising the Welsh. That’s right: it’s Planet of the Daleks and The Green Death. Goodbye, Jo. You were fantastic.

Buy the stories!

Planet of the Daleks was released in 2009/2010 as part of the Dalek War box set. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

The Green Death: Special Edition was released on DVD in (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

Planet of the Daleks

Mark Gatiss gets to read his very favourite Target novelisation, Terrance Dicks’s Doctor Who and the Planet of the Daleks. Which is nice. (Audible US) (Audible UK)

David Graham was once of the original Daleks way back in 1964. In 2015, at the age of 88, he reprises his role as Lady Penelope’s chauffer Parker in Thunderbirds Are Go. You can see the trailer for it here.

The Seventh Doctor returns to deal with the frozen Dalek army in the Big Finish audio Return of the Daleks.

Brendan mentions a very rude re-edit of Jon Pertwee reading the Planet of the Daleks novelisation. It’s by the Doctor Who Breastoration Team, so you’ve been warned.

And here’s a comparison of the 1976 cover of Terrance Dicks’s novelisation and Clayton Hickman’s loving tribute to it for the 2009 DVD release.

The Green Death

Rachael Carson’s 1962 novel Silent Spring talks about the damage caused to the environment by the use of pesticides. We talked about it when we discussed Planet of the Giants, oh, so long ago. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

The giant flying bird feet on Metebelis 3 reminds Brendan of the worst monster fight ever in a Godzilla movie. Watch it: it makes Planet of the Dinosaurs look like Jurassic Park III.

Harry Mudd and Captain Kirk explode an android’s brain using the Liar’s Paradox in the 1967 Star Trek episode I, Mudd.

And, of course, here’s Peter Cushing Lives in Whitstable by the Jellybottys.

Picks of the Week


Todd picked the Sarah Jane Adventures season 4 serial The Death of the Doctor. It’s a DVD extra on The Green Death: Special Edition, so you might already have a copy without even realising it!


The Big Finish Companion Chronicle Find and Replace, features Katy Manning playing both a future Jo Grant and the inimitable Iris Wildthyme.


In 2015, Russell T Davies had three linked shows on Channel 4 in the UK: Cucumber, Banana and Tofu. Cucumber follows the story of Henry Best, a 46-year-old gay man living in Manchester, Banana is an anthology show, mostly featuring younger queer characters from Cucumber, and Tofu consists of actors from the other two shows and ordinary people discussing issues of sex and sexuality.

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Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Todd is @toddbeilby and Nathan is @nathanbottomley. You can follow the podcast on Twitter as @FTEpodcast.

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Episode 28: You’re Not Katharine Hepburn  · Download (90.0 MB)

Season 10The Third Doctor