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Timothy Dalton’s Pyjamas

As Season 15 limps towards its inevitable conclusion, we discover a new trope, reflect on the possibilities of Sevateem–Gallifreyan romance, and deplore the indefensible cruelty of horse racing: it’s The Invasion of Time!

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The Invasion of Time was released on DVD in 2008. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK). It was also released in Australia and the UK as part of the Bred for War box set, along with the other Classic Series Sontaran stories. (Amazon UK)

The Vardans appear to share a stylist with the Ultraman Science Patrol. No, I don’t know who they are either.

Gallifreyan hippy Presta is played by Gai Waterhouse, a famously wealthy Sydney horse trainer.

Fabulous posh air-traffic controller Rodan moonlights as a giant red pterodactyl thing who attacks Godzilla in various Japanese movies, while Castellan Spandrell moonlights as a supporting architectural feature in various Gothic cathedrals.

In the Sarah Jane Adventures story The Last Sontaran, Chrissie Jackson fabulously disables a Sontaran by hitting its probic vent with her high-heeled shoe.

Picks of the Week


Tom Baker stars in a series of Big Finish adventures, featuring Louise Jameson and Mary Tamm (and Lalla Ward in early 2016). Brendan mentions Foe from the Future and Phillip Hinchcliffe’s Valley of Death from the Fourth Doctor Lost Stories box set.

Candy Bar Books is publishing a series of four novels by Andy Frankham, featuring Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, including The Beast of Fang Rock, featuring Ann Travers. The prequel short story is called Cult of the Grinning Man.


Gallifrey is a Big Finish audio series chronicling political intrigue on the Doctor’s home planet, featuring Mary Tamm, Lalla Ward and Louise Jameson, among others.

Green Wing was a Channel 4 comedy series set in a hospital, starring Doctor Who’s very own Tamsin Grieg and Michelle Gomez.

Here’s Michelle Gomez playing Margaret Thatcher in the Sky Arts TV series Psychobitches.

And here’s a photo of Michelle Gomez with two Missy action figures on her shoulders. God, she’s fantastic!


Maureen O’Brien reads Ian Marter’s novelisation of her debut story, The Rescue. (Audible US) (Audible UK) (Audible AU)

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Next weekend, we’ll be releasing our commentary on You Only Live Twice (1967), but in the meantime, you can enjoy our commentaries on Thunderball (1965), Goldfinger (1964), From Russia With Love (1963), and Dr. No (1962). You can keep up with the Bondfinger news on our website, as well as on Twitter and Facebook.

Episode 55: Timothy Dalton’s Pyjamas  · Download (93.3 MB)

Season 15The Fourth Doctor