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Nipples, Dear Listener

Hold your breath, everyone! Brendan, Richard and Nathan besiege, invade and finally burn down the first three stories of Doctor Who’s highly controversial third season: Galaxy Four, Mission to the Unknown and The Myth Makers. Dusty Springfield wigs at the ready, girls!

Buy the stories!

Well, of the nine episodes we discuss this week, only one is known to exist. You can see episode 2 of Galaxy Four, Air Lock, as part of a reconstructed version of the entire story on The Aztecs: Special Edition DVD. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

Galaxy Four audio, narrated by Peter Purvis. (Audible US) (Audible UK)

The Daleks’ Master Plan audio, narrated by Peter Purvis (Audible US) (Audible UK)

The Myth Makers audio, narrated by who else but Peter Purvis? (Audible US) (Audible UK). You can also buy Stephen Thorne’s reading of Donald Cotton’s excellent novelisation (Audible US) (Audible UK).

Galaxy Four

Richard recommends Susan Sontag’s Notes on Camp (1964), and he’s right to do so. Don’t miss it.

Buy your Sindy dolls here. (No, don’t.)

Mission to the Unknown (Dalek Cutaway, anyone?)

Ian Levine’s animated version of Mission to the Unknown can be found on YouTube, for the time being at least. (Part 1) (Part 2)

Here’s the interview by Loose Cannon with the cast of Mission to the Unknown — Edward de Souza (Marc Cory), Barry Jackson (Jeff Garvey) and Jeremy Young (Gordon Lowery).

The Myth Makers

Increase your classical cred, and your appreciation of this brilliant story, by reading Robert Fagles’s beautiful translations of the Iliad (Amazon US) (Amazon UK), and the Aeneid (Amazon US) (Amazon UK).

Follow Vicki’s mysterious further adventures in the Big Finish Audio, Frostfire.

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Episode 6: Nipples, Dear Listener  · Download (57.6 MB)

Season 3The First Doctor