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How Would You Address a God?

Our flight through Season 3 continues with an indefensibly shouty episode devoted to Doctor Who’s longest (oh, okay second longest) story ever: The Daleks’ Master Plan.

Is Katarina a companion? Which is the delegate with black balls all over his head? Is Bret Vyon a companion? Has anyone ever been more fabulous than Sara Kingdom? And should Doctor Who be doing this sort of story at all?

(A bit of overtalking at the start of this episode, I’m afraid. This is what the combination of Terry Nation and John Wiles does to your brain. It will never be allowed to happen again.)

Buy the story!

Only three of the twelve episodes are known to exist: episodes 2, 5 and 10. These can be found on the Lost in Time box set. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

The BBC audio version, narrated by Peter Purves, can be found here: (Audible US) (Audible UK).

The Daleks’ Master Plan

Here’s Elizabeth Sandifer’s review of the story. It’s terribly, terribly clever.

Screen Online’s summary of Dennis Spooner’s superhero drama series The Champions. Sounds intriguing, and bears out Richard’s theory that Spooner is responsible for all the fun dialogue in this story.

For those of you who love Blake’s 7 as much as we do, check out Adventures With The Wife and Blake, Volume 1: The Blake Years, and Volume 2: The Avon Years.

Rosemary Howe’s lovely fan novelisation of this story is available here for subscribers to AustLit.

Z-Cars and Dixon of Dock Green are two seminal British police shows from the 1960s. Here’s El Sandifer’s take on the two shows, and their relationship to Doctor Who.

Here’s an animated version of episode 7, The Feast of Steven.

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Episode 7: How Would You Address a God?  · Download (54.3 MB)

Season 3The First Doctor