Joanna Lumley is canon

Adrian Phoon

Adrian at an ABC Shop, waiting patiently for Peter Davison to sign his merch.

Following a family trip to Bali when he was seven years old, Adrian Phoon wrote a short story called Doctor Who and the Rangda about the Doctor crossing paths with a demonic Balinese goddess.

Decades later, he returned to Bali and wondered how Tegan would fare with Bintang.

Phallocentric Energy

This week, Nathan, Richard, Todd and Adrian Phoon leave the peasants of Worksop to their mud-eating and get together to ask themselves the questions Is the Doctor as big a hero as Robin Hood? and Is Robin Hood even real?, only to come up with some very surprising answers. It’s Robot of Sherwood.

Episode 255: Phallocentric Energy · Recorded on Sunday 8 January 2023 · Download (52.2 MB)

Series 8The Twelfth Doctor