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Frazer Gregory

Frazer looking nervous as the Garm is apparently sneaking up behind him

It wasn’t just Sylvester McCoy that the Daleks terrified when they flew up the stairs in Remembrance of the Daleks: eight-year-old Frazer Gregory had a change of underwear moment as well. Naturally, a fan was born in that very moment – just in time for the show to be taken off air. Frazer was then raised on a diet of VHS, BBC repeats and DWM, until Paul McGann’s shoes became the BEST THING EVER!!! (This explains a lot about him, we think.)

Frazer has not knowingly missed an episode of Doctor Who since that night in October 1988, and has not knowingly let an opinion on Doctor Who pass him by without disagreeing with it. When he’s not on Twitter or WordPress, putting out his own strange opinions for all to see and hear, you’ll find him in the Northeast of England, desperately trying to find people to talk to about Quarks.

Scottish Reasons

This week, a bone Vervoid joins in the fun as we travel back in time to Wales in 2015 pretending to be Scotland in 1980 pretending to be somewhere in the Soviet Union. And it’s hard to say which time paradox is the most annoying, the bootstrap one or the predestination one. Thank goodness Frazer Gregory is here to help us sort it all out — it’s Before the Flood.

Episode 270: Scottish Reasons · Recorded on Sunday 13 August 2023 · Download (54.3 MB)

Series 9The Twelfth Doctor