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John Dorney

John Dorney dressed as a homeless man for an appearance in  Joy Wilkinson's movie

John Dorney has written nearly as many Big Finish audios set within the Whoniverse as there are serials in the classic series, and he’s just as horrified by that statistic as you are. He started watching the show with An Unearthly Child… but when it was shown in the Five Faces of Doctor Who season, not on its original transmission, because he’s not that old. He once told an ex-girlfriend that Doctor Who was the love of his life and he’s still not sure he was joking — that’s not why they broke up though. He sometimes writes other things and sometimes even gets to act with credits ranging from plays at the National Theatre to comedy on Radio 4 and a truly terrible stage version of The Usual Suspects. He quite enjoys ice skating.

A Perfect Crucible

This week, John Dorney joins us in northern Scotland to investigate the disappearance of the Ninth Legion — only to discover that there are things here even more terrible than the Roman army, things that can only be fought with trust and empathy and music. It’s The Eaters of Light.

Episode 292: A Perfect Crucible · Recorded on Sunday 27 October 2024 · Download (58.7 MB)

Series 10The Twelfth Doctor