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Toby Hadoke

Handsome publicity shot of Toby, wearing a crooked smile and a very smart checked blue jacket.

Toby has always been one of the best known actors and comedians on his road (except that time Tim Minchin was his neighbour: thank God he moved!). He has an award winning podcast in which he watches every episode of the TV series Howards’ Way but only comments on the jumpers and the moments when characters swig whisky in the middle of the day. He is the country’s leading expert on Captain Zep: Space Detective, and has made 150 documentaries about people just out of shot in TV programmes you’ve never seen. He also spends his time worrying that self written biogs can be repetitive and self-serving and so occasionally writes some that are total bollocks (except that bit about Tim Minchin, that was true).

Blaze of Glory

This week, we’re huddling with Toby Hadoke in a tent in a cave set somewhere on Mars, wondering what that massive gun is for and trying to decide which terrifying Imperial Majesty to give our fealty to. It’s Empress of Mars.

Episode 291: Blaze of Glory · Recorded on Sunday 20 October 2024 · Download (52.7 MB)

Series 10The Twelfth Doctor