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Even Better with Your Face

This week, Brendan, Nathan and Todd are back to review the Cybermen’s 1985 compilation album Attack of the Cybermen, in which the band revisit all their classic hits from the 1960s, including Another Planet (1966), Clever Clever Clever (1967), You Belong to Us (1967), Initiate Plan Three (1968) and perennial fan favourite It Has Been Agreed (1968). Not all of us appreciate the nostalgia.

Buy the story!

Attack of the Cybermen was released on DVD in 2009. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

Doctor Who: The Complete History is a series of beautifully produced hardback books chronicling the entire history of the programme, from its first beginnings to the present day.

Brendan mentions an adorable photo of TV’s Starbucks Dirk Benedict and Katee Sackoff drinking Starbucks at Starbucks. Katee Sackoff’s current Twitter profile picture is equally adorable.

Brendan would just like to take this opportunity to plug the book Hating to Love: Re-evaluating the Worst 52 Doctor Who Stories of All Time, in which he tries to redeem, excuse or explain seven somewhat unloved Doctor Who stories. The book was edited by JR Southall, of Blue Box Podcast fame.

Follow us!

Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll tell everyone about that nylon allergy you’ve been trying to keep secret.

Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

Every week, we remind you about Brendan’s brilliant video series Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which he summarises no less than 51 Doctor Who stories in no more than 10 seconds each. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you really should. And make sure you subscribe to his YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the Season 8 episode becomes available.


Bondfinger is back for the new year with our final Rodgecast, a commentary on A View to a Kill.

A full range of Rodgecasts are also available, from Live and Let Die to Octopussy. Other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

Episode 100: Even Better with Your Face  · Download (83.6 MB)

Season 22The Sixth Doctor