Episode 99
Sunday 22 January 2017
This week’s episode is mostly a series of increasingly angry rants. But The Twin Dilemma may just be the worst story in fifty years of Doctor Who.
Episode 99
Sunday 22 January 2017
This week’s episode is mostly a series of increasingly angry rants. But The Twin Dilemma may just be the worst story in fifty years of Doctor Who.
Episode 100
Sunday 29 January 2017
This week, Brendan, Nathan and Todd are back to review the Cybermen’s 1985 compilation album Attack of the Cybermen, in which the band revisit all their classic hits from the 1960s, including Another Planet (1966), Clever Clever Clever (1967), You Belong to Us (1967), Initiate Plan Three (1968) and perennial fan favourite It Has Been Agreed (1968). Not all of us appreciate the nostalgia.
Episode 101
Sunday 5 February 2017
Trapped in a futuristic dystopia run by crazed B-grade reality television stars, Brendan, Nathan and Todd attempt to take their mind off things by watching the remarkably vengeance-free Vengeance of Varos.
Episode 102
Sunday 12 February 2017
None of us have slept for weeks, and our exposure to Twitter has taught us that technological progress must be resisted at all costs. So join in with us as we smash the machines and discuss The Mark of the Rani.
Episode 103
Monday 20 February 2017
This week, most of us are delighted to be served a delicious meal of lobsters, clams, and squid, brains in white sauce, two whole suckling pigs, a ham with figs, eight steaks, and Robert Holmes at his most cynical. Welcome back, Pat, for The Two Doctors.
Episode 104
Sunday 26 February 2017
Our vast Flight Through Entirety budget for this season has now run out completely, so this week we’re just hanging out in some dingy corridors listlessly rebelling against things for no reason. It’s here, it’s lame — it’s Timelash.
Episode 105
Friday 10 March 2017
It’s the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.
Episode 107
Saturday 22 April 2017
The walls between realities were fairly porous back in 1986, which is why we find ourselves this week in a terrifying parallel universe where the Hiatus never happened, and the original plans for Season 23 actually came to fruition. Beware.
Episode 108
Sunday 30 April 2017
This week, Brendan, Nathan and Todd go for a lovely walk in a rain-drenched forest, only to find themselves dragged halfway across the galaxy by the Time Lords and placed on trial to answer for their crimes. It’s Parts 1 to 4 of the longest Doctor Who story ever — The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet.
Episode 109
Sunday 7 May 2017
It’s been a few years now, so it’s time to cynically murder another one of the Doctor’s companions. Which is why we spend a lot of time talking about what’s great about this story. It’s episodes 5 to 8 of The Trial of a Time Lord — Mindwarp.
Episode 110
Sunday 14 May 2017
After the stressful events of last week, we’ve decided to treat ourselves to a luxury cruise. Brendan’s working out in a pink tracksuit, Todd’s playing Galaxian and terrorising the waitress, and Nathan’s hanging around the communications room with an axe. And, in order to protect a secret hidden on the space liner, one of us will become a murderer. And there are Vervoids, of course.
Episode 111
Sunday 21 May 2017
And now it’s time for the Trial storyline to implode completely. Nathan turns out to be a distillation of all that is evil in Todd, and Brendan has just stormed out with the only copy of this episode’s script. It’s the last two episodes of The Trial of a Time Lord — The Ultimate Foe.
Episode 112
Tuesday 30 May 2017
Transported to a nightmarish world of the Valeyard’s creation, the Doctor finds himself unable to escape, because Eric Saward has stormed off, taking his script for Episode 14 with him.
Episode 113
Sunday 4 June 2017
This week, we look at a medium where Colin’s reputation as the Doctor is second to none. To that end, Nathan is only pretending to be evil, Brendan has two peglegs, Todd is having a hard time assembling some shelving, and Richard is just a shadow of his former self. It’s Colin Baker, in the Big Finish audio adventures!
Episode 114
Sunday 11 June 2017
We’ve reached the end of Doctor Who’s longest era: an era in which every single story was a 14-episode epic about cannibalism and Gallifreyan jurisprudence. But, despite Eric Saward, there are still nice things to say.
Episode 162
Sunday 7 July 2019
This week, we head back to the planet Necros to revisit Doctor Who’s most entertaining funeral: we’re joined by healers, cosmeticians, mercenaries and a great, big bomb — but you should definitely avoid the canapés at the wake. This one’s certainly a revelation, a Revelation of the Daleks.