Much More Convincing than the Luke Tree
None of us have slept for weeks, and our exposure to Twitter has taught us that technological progress must be resisted at all costs. So join in with us as we smash the machines and discuss The Mark of the Rani.
Buy the story!
The Mark of Rani was released on DVD in 2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)
Notes and links
Spy vs Spy was a long-running wordless comic strip which featured for decades in MAD Magazine.
Fans of period drama where the principals aren’t wearing the most horrific clothes possible will enjoy The Pallisers and When the Boat Comes In.
Brendan mentions Cornell, Day and Topping’s opinion on this story’s rubber trees in their Discontinuity Guide entry on this story.
Before taking on the role of the Doctor, Colin Baker was most famous for his role as Paul Merroney in The Brothers, which ran from 1972 to 1976, and also featured television’s fabulous Kate O’Mara.
Horrifically, Bic pens for women were actually a real thing. Here’s Ellen’s take on the topic.
For those of you who don’t live and breathe the history of Doctor Who, Michael Grade was Controller of BBC One in 1985. In February of that year, he announced that Doctor Who was cancelled; later on, he announced instead that it would be “rested” for eighteen months.
Brendan, who was basically born to find redemptive readings for the worst Doctor Who stories ever, is a major contributor to the newly-published, Hating to Love: Re-evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time, which is available in all good bookstores everywhere. And on the Kindle.
Follow us!
Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.
We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll OMG THE MASTER ACTUALLY KILLED A DOG IN THIS STORY. I JUST CAN’T EVEN.
Bondfinger is back for the new year with our final Rodgecast, a commentary on A View to a Kill. We will be embarking on the sexy Welsh period of the Bond franchise as soon as we can possibly manage it.
A full range of Rodgecasts are also available, from Live and Let Die to Octopussy. Other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.