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Famous Miserable Bastard

It’s the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

And I voted against that, thank you very much

Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

Buy the story!

Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year’s The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh’s horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan’s anecdote about Colin Baker’s appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who’s highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

Picks of the week


Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson’s outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who’s classic series.


Nathan just can’t resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works. [The Blakes 7 DVD review is gone, apparently, forever, which is why that link doesn’t work.]


Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

What are you, a comedian?

Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we’re planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

(In spite of last week’s shownotes, we won’t be covering Criss-Cross, but it’s still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

Follow us!

Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.


We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

Episode 105: Famous Miserable Bastard  · Download (80.9 MB)

Season 22The Sixth Doctor