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Where’s Spielberg?

In a strange universe, in the distant future, the President, Vice-President and Treasurer of the Prentis Hancock Appreciation Society, Brendan, Richard and Nathan, meet to discuss shower curtains, detergent bottles and undeserved survival in Planet of Evil.

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Planet of Evil was released on DVD in 2007/2008. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

Richard and Brendan are quick to identify this story’s main sources: Howard Hawks’ The Thing From Another World (1951), Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) and Forbidden Planet (1956).

In Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris (1961), the members of a scientific expedition are studied and psychologically traumatised by the sentient ocean of an alien planet.

Ponti is played by Louis Mahoney, who also appears in Frontier in Space and Blink, but perhaps he is most famous as a doctor in the Fawlty Towers episode, The Germans.

The Haunting of BBC Television Centre: can anyone explain the mysterious face that appears on the ship’s screen in Part 3 after the Doctor has fallen into the pond?

Fans of the way Brendan’s mind works will enjoy this picture of a giant frog from Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1986), which looks eerily familiar. To him.

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Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard’s Twitter account has fallen into a black pond full of antimatter. You can follow the podcast on Twitter as @FTEpodcast.

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Meanwhile, elsewhere on the internet…

We’ve launched our new project, Bondfinger, with our first commentary on Dr. No (1962). You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

Episode 38: Where’s Spielberg?  · Download (39.6 MB)

Season 13The Fourth Doctor