I’ve Walked Between That Cow
The world will be destroyed in four days, apparently, and to prepare for this, Brendan is wearing a stylish green velour suit, Richard has gathered his hair in a delightful side ponytail, and Nathan has just really let himself go. It’s Four to Doomsday.
Buy the story!
Four to Doomsday was released on DVD in 2008 in the UK and Australia, and in 2009 in the US. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK).
Notes and links
Fans of Philip Locke, who plays Bigon in this story, will enjoy his performances in three episodes of The Avengers: From Venus with Love, Mandrake and The Frighteners, which also featured Stratford Johns, who plays Monarch in this story. Horrifyingly, Philip Locke also plays creepy sexless henchmen Vargas in Thunderball.
Fans of bisected farm animals will enjoy Damien Hirst’s 1993 artwork Mother and Child.
Much like the Urbankans, cane toads were introduced into Australia to control the grey-backed cane beetle. As usual, this didn’t go well.
This YouTube video includes every utterance of the words “some kind of”, “some sort of” or “some type of” in Star Trek: Voyager. There are 393, for God’s sake.
Monarch weirdly anticipates Baron Silas Greenback from Danger Mouse.
Annie Lambert, this story’s Minister of Enlightenment, plays Helen McKay in The New Avengers episode Three-Handed Game.
Follow us!
Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.
We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at its new URL flightthroughentirety.sexy. (The older, slightly less silly URL still works too.) Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll totally interfere with your monopticons. Don’t think we won’t.
Doctor Who in 10 Seconds
We’re tremendously proud of Brendan’s latest video project, Doctor Who in 10 seconds, in which he flies through entire seasons of Doctor Who, hilariously summarising each story in no more than 10 seconds. Enjoy the spectacle by checking out the playlist on YouTube.
While you wait for next weekend’s commentary podcast on The Spy Who Loved Me, why not enjoy our previous commentary podcasts on all of the preceding Bond films, including The Man with the Golden Gun, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and Dr. No? You can find these commentaries on our website, and you can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.