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The Fifth Doctor

I Know Very Little About Telebiogenesis

We said goodbye to Tom last week, and so this week all four of us are here to discuss Pete’s first story, set on a delightfully bucolic planet in the Phylox series. Time to dress up like a cricketer and lock yourself in a small cupboard — it’s Castrovalva.

Episode 77: I Know Very Little About Telebiogenesis  · Download (62.5 MB)

Season 19The Fifth Doctor

I’ve Walked Between That Cow

The world will be destroyed in four days, apparently, and to prepare for this, Brendan is wearing a stylish green velour suit, Richard has gathered his hair in a delightful side ponytail, and Nathan has just really let himself go. It’s Four to Doomsday.

Episode 78: I’ve Walked Between That Cow  · Download (50.9 MB)

Season 19The Fifth Doctor

Kinda Lingers

As usual, this week, Brendan, Nathan and Richard are condemned to an unending cycle of suffering and futility, relieved only temporarily by ruminations on the existence of Nerys Hughes. So, hold off on the fire and acid for just forty minutes or so: enough time to hear us discussing Kinda.

Episode 79: Kinda Lingers  · Download (52.1 MB)

Season 19The Fifth Doctor

A Death Wish, But for Adric

A lot going on this week: Brendan wanders from the manor house to the mill and then back to the TARDIS, oh, and then back to the manor house again; Nathan is moving test tubes from one box to another; and Richard is, oh, I don’t know, assembling a vibrating meccano set or something. Hold onto your hats: It’s The Visitation.

Episode 80: A Death Wish, But for Adric  · Download (60.7 MB)

Season 19The Fifth Doctor

The Worst Lawn Party Ever

In this convention-busting episode of Flight Through Entirety, Brendan (Jamie Lee Curtis) really hates this week’s Doctor Who story, while Nathan (Lindsay Lohan) quite enjoys it. And Richard (Mark Harmon) splits the difference by being witty and charming as always. Welcome to Cranleigh Hall: it’s Black Orchid.

Episode 81: The Worst Lawn Party Ever  · Download (50.0 MB)

Season 19The Fifth Doctor

Contemptuous of His Homosexuality

All you hippy losers who thought Doctor Who was whimsical family entertainment can leave now: Eric Saward is back, and he’s brought enough guns with him to make Charlton Heston feel insecure about his masculinity. Only Beryl Reid can save us! It’s Earthshock.

Episode 82: Contemptuous of His Homosexuality  · Download (71.7 MB)

Season 19The Fifth Doctor

Smiling Plasmaton Emoji

It’s the end of another season of Flight Through Entirety, we’ve run out of money and no one really gives a crap anymore. So join us as we listlessly discuss the worst story of the 1980s: it’s Time-Flight.

Episode 83: Smiling Plasmaton Emoji  · Download (73.5 MB)

Season 19The Fifth Doctor

Sofas All Around Gallifrey

Doctor Who squelches back onto our screens with the first story of Season 20 — Arc of Infinity. It’s a rollicking tale of quad magnetism, pulse loops, transduction barriers and impulse lasers, tastefully decorated with shiny plastic sofas.

Episode 84: Sofas All Around Gallifrey  · Download (63.4 MB)

Season 20The Fifth Doctor

Tiny Little Petty Flaws

This week, the Mara are back, threatening the ancient BBC Television studio Manussa in Snakedance. Roll your eyes at Nathan’s usual jejune insults, marvel at Brendan’s theories about good Science Fiction, and become increasingly concerned at Todd’s vociferous complaints that no one gets horribly murdered in Doctor Who any more.

Episode 85: Tiny Little Petty Flaws  · Download (68.2 MB)

Season 20The Fifth Doctor


Our 20th anniversary season of Flight Through Entirety continues with a discussion of Mawdryn Undead — yet another story including delightful elements from the show’s past, such as the Brigadier, the Black Guardian and a crappy word peril cliffhanger for Episode Three.

Episode 86: Spidey-Sense  · Download (81.4 MB)

Season 20The Fifth Doctor

Danger Zone

Brendan, Nathan and Todd are all suffering from Lazar’s disease, or possibly withdrawing from hydromel, which might explain our somewhat listless approach to that critically acclaimed Doctor Who classic, Terminus.

Episode 87: Danger Zone  · Download (63.1 MB)

Season 20The Fifth Doctor

The Other Baron

This week, we discuss the final story of Season 20’s Black Guardian Trilogy. Todd wants to know all the details, Nathan is busy admiring Captain Wrack’s décolletage, while Brendan waxes philosophical on the nature of Enlightenment.

Episode 88: The Other Baron  · Download (60.9 MB)

Season 20The Fifth Doctor

Fairly Obvious

As is now well known, Season 20 trails off with a whimper, and so Brendan, Nathan and Todd take a week off to allow our discussion of The King’s Demons to be conducted by shapeshifting robot replicas. And they do a great job!

Episode 89: Fairly Obvious  · Download (72.3 MB)

Season 20The Fifth Doctor

Great Balls of Commentary!

We’ve now been recording Flight Through Entirety for exactly twenty years, and to celebrate this milestone, all four of us are back for our second ever commentary podcast. So grab your iPhone, fire up your Blu-ray player and settle down to a relaxing pineapple daquiri. It’s The Five Doctors!

Episode 90: Great Balls of Commentary!  · Download (141.0 MB)

CommentariesSpecialsThe Fifth DoctorThe First DoctorThe Fourth DoctorThe Second DoctorThe Third Doctor

Is Icthar Okdel?

This week, Brendan, Nathan and Richard build a giant Seabase underwater. It’s going to be the best, most beautiful Seabase ever. And we’ll get the Silurians to pay for it!

Episode 92: Is Icthar Okdel?  · Download (65.3 MB)

Season 21The Fifth Doctor

Angela Lansbury Tattoos

We’re broadcasting live this week from Little Hodcombe, where there’s an ongoing battle between Eric Pringle and some long-time Doctor Who podcasters desperately trying to find anything at all to say about this story. It’s Roundheads versus Cavaliers, and somehow the Doctor finds himself caught in the middle. Welcome to The Awakening.

Episode 93: Angela Lansbury Tattoos  · Download (55.2 MB)

Season 21The Fifth Doctor

Not Allowed to Watch That One

Patron of the podcast, Christopher Hamilton Bidmead, returns for a victory lap in what might be the best story of Pete’s final season. Raid at the ready, chums, it’s time to defend the last of humanity against an onslaught of fibreglass woodlice, in Frontios.

Episode 94: Not Allowed to Watch That One  · Download (67.5 MB)

Season 21The Fifth Doctor

Pointy at the Back

After the whimsy and quality of last week’s story, 1980s Doctor Who is back on form with a grim 90-minute slog, bristling with guns and clunky macho dialogue. And a bigger body count than the last three seasons combined! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Resurrection of the Daleks.

Episode 95: Pointy at the Back  · Download (71.3 MB)

Season 21The Fifth Doctor

Just Gives Great Frock

As 2016 draws to a close and as major festivals approach for several of the world’s great religions, we’re taking refuge in the crude religious analogies that abound on the planet Sarn. And the Master and Peri are here! It’s Planet of Fire.

Episode 96: Just Gives Great Frock  · Download (61.2 MB)

Season 21The Fifth Doctor

Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other

To celebrate 2017’s impending dumpster fire, all four members of the Flight Through Entirety crew take an ill-advised trip to the blowholes of Androzani Minor. Things don’t go well. For anyone.

Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other  · Download (88.6 MB)

Season 21The Fifth Doctor

Material That Was Worthy of Him

Another era reaches its end, and somewhere, someone’s favourite television show is cancelled again. Perhaps Peter Davison’s years on the programme weren’t its heyday, but all four of us have found a new appreciation of his portrayal of the Doctor. Thanks, Peter. Time to say goodbye.

Episode 98: Material That Was Worthy of Him  · Download (106.6 MB)

RetrospectivesThe Fifth Doctor

Commentary Takes All

This week, we take a break from our break between series of New Who to deliver our long-awaited commentary on a popular story from the Davison Era. Friend of the podcast Colin Neal joins all of us as we leave our howling void and race around the planet Venus in the hope of achieving Enlightenment.

Episode 146: Commentary Takes All · Recorded on Saturday 8 December 2018 · Download (147.4 MB)

CommentariesSeason 20The Fifth Doctor