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Material That Was Worthy of Him

For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!

Another era reaches its end, and somewhere, someone’s favourite television show is cancelled again. Perhaps Peter Davison’s years on the programme weren’t its heyday, but all four of us have found a new appreciation of his portrayal of the Doctor. Thanks, Peter. Time to say goodbye.

We have been unable to substantiate Brendan’s claim about Janet’s knickerlessness in Frontios Part 1, but brave souls wishing to assist us might try starting at timecode 23:10.

Big Finish has yet to capitalise on the Magma Creature, but at least Bernice Summerfield has confronted the Monoids in The Kingdom of the Blind.

For once, Richard is excited about his choices in Snog–Marry–Avoid. But will he pick Chancellor Flavia, played by Dinah Sheridan in the 1953 film Genevieve? Or will it be Chancellor Thalia, played by Elspet Gray, who was the mother in Season 2 of Catweazle? Or finally Joe Orton’s beloved Beryl Reid?

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Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll blight the rest of your career claiming that your performance is bland and beige despite your undoubted proficiency as an actor.

Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

Fans of the podcast like to think that Brendan is a sober and responsible ringmaster, bringing much-needed gravity to every episode of Flight Through Entirety. But the truth is that he’s both crazy and remarkably attractive.

For direct visual evidence of this, check out his critically-acclaimed YouTube series, Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which he summarises the first seven seasons of Doctor Who, spending no more than ten seconds on each story. Check out the playlist on YouTube.


You’ve been waiting patiently for a terribly long time, so we are happy to announce the release of our final Bondfinger Rodgecast, a commentary on A View to a Kill.

A full range of Rodgecasts are also available, from Live and Let Die to Octopussy. Other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

Episode 98: Material That Was Worthy of Him  · Download (106.6 MB)

RetrospectivesThe Fifth Doctor