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The Other Baron

This week, we discuss the final story of Season 20’s Black Guardian Trilogy. Todd wants to know all the details, Nathan is busy admiring Captain Wrack’s décolletage, while Brendan waxes philosophical on the nature of Enlightenment.

Buy the story!

Enlightenment was released on DVD in 1992/1993. In the US, it was released on its own, I think, but it’s completely unavailable on Amazon. Still, you can just buy it as part of the Black Guardian Trilogy box set (Amazon US), which is how it was released in the UK and Australia (Amazon UK).

Barbara Clegg and Rona Munro (Survival) are the only women ever to write for the Classic Series, if we don’t count Lesley Scott’s co-credit on The Ark, and we don’t, apparently.

We’ve mentioned Sapphire and Steel before. It ran on ITV from 1979 to 1982 and starred Joanna Lumley and David McCallum, who played time-travelling agents (sort of), who tried to rectify strange and scary time things caused by anachronisms or paradoxes or something. It’s worth a look, even if it’s glacially slow by modern standards. You can read Den of Geek’s take on the story here; in this essay, Sandifer discusses the series, as well as just about every other genre thing from the same period.

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Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

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Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

Brendan has now recorded 7 episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, summarising 54 Doctor Who stories in at most 10 seconds each. If you’d like to see him performing this feat with your own eyes, visit the webpage. To keep up with future summaries, subscribe to his channel on YouTube.

Episode 88: The Other Baron  · Download (60.9 MB)

Season 20The Fifth Doctor