Steal all the sandwiches

Colin Neal

Colin standing in the dark next to Matt Smith's first TARDIS console

Colin Neal’s earliest memory is of Lalla Ward in a quarry trapped inside a clear plastic cylinder. When he mentioned this to her at a convention, she replied, “Oh, you never forget your first companion, darling”. His favourite Classic seasons are the Key to Time and The Trial of a Time Lord; his favourite New Who episodes are The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End. He has quite a fondness for Clara and Ace, he once ate some of Nicola Bryant’s lemon meringue pie, and he was not quick enough to find celery after spotting Peter Davison that one time in Marks and Spencer.

Commentary Takes All

This week, we take a break from our break between series of New Who to deliver our long-awaited commentary on a popular story from the Davison Era. Friend of the podcast Colin Neal joins all of us as we leave our howling void and race around the planet Venus in the hope of achieving Enlightenment.

Episode 146: Commentary Takes All · Recorded on Saturday 8 December 2018 · Download (147.4 MB)

CommentariesSeason 20The Fifth Doctor

Some Custard Pies and a Few Harsh Words

This week, we’re hosting our first ever black-tie function, and you’re all invited! Nathan’s scoffing all the canapés, Brendan keeps being mistaken for the waiter, and somewhere upstairs is a roaring and slavering Colin Neal, who will join us later — we hope — to discuss The Lazarus Experiment.

Episode 169: Some Custard Pies and a Few Harsh Words · Recorded on Sunday 25 August 2019 · Download (47.0 MB)

Series 3The Tenth Doctor

The Goldilocks Zone

This week, Nathan, Brendan, Simon and Colin are trapped in a room with only forty-five minutes to decide whether Kill the Moon is terrible or a towering work of genius. It goes quite well, surprisingly.

Episode 259: The Goldilocks Zone · Recorded on Sunday 29 January 2023 · Download (56.7 MB)

Series 8The Twelfth Doctor