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Season 13

A Shaved Mr Snuffleupagus

This week, we’re high in the misty Highlands, out by the purple islands, being attacked by Zygons, Scotland the Brave!

Episode 37: A Shaved Mr Snuffleupagus  · Duration 0:36:37 · Download · Open in new window

Season 13The Fourth Doctor

Where’s Spielberg?

In a strange universe, in the distant future, the President, Vice-President and Treasurer of the Prentis Hancock Appreciation Society, Brendan, Richard and Nathan, meet to discuss shower curtains, detergent bottles and undeserved survival in Planet of Evil.

Episode 38: Where’s Spielberg?  · Duration 0:39:52 · Download · Open in new window

Season 13The Fourth Doctor

He’s Always a Villain

This week we discuss Pyramids of Mars, a classic Hinchcliffe story that comes in the top ten in every reputable fan poll. Naturally enough, Nathan doesn’t like it.

Episode 39: He’s Always a Villain  · Duration 0:41:35 · Download · Open in new window

Season 13The Fourth Doctor

Just Full of Nazis

Harry and Benton are back, but no one cares, as robot replicas of Brendan, Nathan and Richard trudge through Terry Nation’s penultimate Doctor Who story, The Android Invasion.

Episode 40: Just Full of Nazis  · Duration 0:37:12 · Download · Open in new window

Season 13The Fourth Doctor

Philip Madoc in Fishnets

This week, we’re off to the planet Karn for wine, cheese and cyanide with Dr Mehendri Solon and his pet brain-in-a-jar Morbius. And Sarah Jane Smith has never had so much fun!

Episode 41: Philip Madoc in Fishnets  · Duration 0:37:00 · Download · Open in new window

Season 13The Fourth Doctor

Playing It Straight

It’s time to put down those bonsai pruners and catch the first helicopter to Antarctica, as we discuss the final story of Season 13, that florid, fecund, flexuous and frutescent classic, The Seeds of Doom.

Episode 42: Playing It Straight  · Duration 0:46:37 · Download · Open in new window

Season 13The Fourth Doctor