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Put a Glaze On

It’s Coronation Day, and so Nathan, James and Richard have invited TV’s Adam Richard over to join us on the sofa, so that we can watch the festivities in comfort while Maureen Lipman slowly pulls our faces off. God save the Queen, everyone — it’s The Idiot’s Lantern.

Maureen Lipman is perhaps most famous for her play Re-Joyce!, in which she plays Joyce Grenfell, a famous writer and performer in British film and television in the middle of the twentieth century. You can see Lipman playing Greenfell here.

Muffin the Mule was broadcast live by the BBC from Alexandra Palace from 1946 to 1952. It looks miserable.

Nathan and Adam both have fond memories of Maureen Lipman’s ITV sitcom Agony, which ran for three seasons 1979 to 1981. Nathan has since found the box set on Amazon (US) (UK). The BBC brought the show back in 1995 as Agony Again.

James likes to imagine a sentient version of Billie Piper’s Day and Night chasing people to their doom in an earlier version of this episode’s script. And why not?

Jackie O and Kyle Sandilands are fairly regrettable morning DJs at Sydney radio station KIIS 1065. Probably best not to follow the link, really.

Jodie Whittaker is ridiculously funny and charismatic in her episode of David Tennant Does a Podcast With. You can listen to it here.

Professor Stream is absolutely in no way an anagram of the Master in Christopher H Bidmead’s Big Finish story The Hollows of Time.

Follow us

Nathan is on Twitter as @nathanbottomley, James is @ohjamessellwood, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam, and the strings performance was by Jane Aubourg. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

Adam is @adamrichard on Twitter, adamrichard on Instagram and Fabulous Adam Richard on Facebook. His website is at www.adamrichard.com.au. You can also see him on Whovians, and he is one of the writers for Hard Quiz, both of which screen on ABC TV in Australia.

In a deleted scene from this episode, which will be included in a future Blu-ray box set, Adam mentions Outland, a sitcom about gay Doctor Who fans, which Adam co-created and starred in. We all loved it to death — we felt very represented. Plus it was really funny.

We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll sneak into your how and upgrade all your phone apps so that you will no longer be able to find the Facebook angry react button.

And more

You can find Jodie into Terror, our flashcast on Doctor Who’s most recent season, at jodieintoterror.com, at @JodieIntoTerror on Twitter, and on Apple Podcasts.

Our James Bond commentary podcast is called Bondfinger, and you can find that at bondfinger.com, at @bondfingercast on Twitter, and on Apple Podcasts. We’ve run out of James Bond films to comment on, but don’t worry, that hasn’t stopped us.

Episode 154: Put a Glaze On · Recorded on Sunday 17 February 2019 · Download (50.3 MB)

Series 2The Tenth Doctor