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Johnny Spandrell

A headless Johnny Spandrell wearing a WOTAN T-shirt

Johnny Spandrell spent about forty years watching, reading and thinking about Doctor Who. Then he wrote it all down on his blog, Random Whoness, which former DWM editor Gary Gillatt called “stupendous” and “essential”. At this stage in his many lives, he has a pleasant, open face and frequently makes a wheezing, groaning sound. He lives on the NSW South Coast with his wife, two kids and about a thousand Doctor Who books.

No One to Blame but Himself

This week, Nathan, Peter and Richard are joined by renowned Doctor Who blogger Johnny Spandrell, but we spend most of our time lurking among the bookshelves frightened by our own shadows. And despite the customary non-stop chattering, it’s all about Silence in the Library.

Episode 187: No One to Blame but Himself · Recorded on Sunday 23 February 2020  · Duration 0:57:49 · Download · Open in new window

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Our New Brigadier

This week, we’re joined again by rockstar Doctor Who blogger Johnny Spandrell, for just under an hour of conversation and fruitless dieting in a VR environment. It’s the start — and the end — of a beautiful friendship, in Forest of the Dead.

Episode 188: Our New Brigadier · Recorded on Sunday 23 February 2020  · Duration 0:55:40 · Download · Open in new window

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

A Man Who Sees His Own Shadows

This week, we’re joined by Johnny Spandrell for an hour of love, self-loathing and psychic pollen from the candle meadows of Karass don Slava, as we discuss Amy’s Choice.

Episode 207: A Man Who Sees His Own Shadows · Recorded on Saturday 27 February 2021  · Duration 0:53:13 · Download · Open in new window

Series 5The Eleventh Doctor

The Planet Quantos

This week, we’re hanging out in a mystical London street full of Sontarans, Judoon and Cybermen, investigating a murder with Johnny Spandrell — only to find, to our horror, that the murder hasn’t happened yet. And, of course, that it’s time for Clara Oswald to Face the Raven.

Episode 276: The Planet Quantos · Recorded on Sunday 29 October 2023  · Duration 1:00:19 · Download · Open in new window

Series 9The Twelfth Doctor

Honour the Invisible

This week, Brendan, Nathan, Steven B and Johnny Spandrell penetrate the heart of the Vatican, only to discover that behind its dusty and arcane lore lies an eldritch horror that threatens the very idea of existence itself. It’s Extremis.

Episode 288: Honour the Invisible · Recorded on Sunday 1 September 2024  · Duration 1:05:01 · Download · Open in new window

Series 10The Twelfth Doctor