Men in Massive Suits
This week, Nathan and James are joined by friend-of-the-podcast Max Jelbart to discuss perennial fan favourite and stone-cold classic Aliens of London. Spoiler alert: we all like it.
Max Jelbart is happy to be taking the mantle as the youngest sod on the podcast. He likes writing screenplays and has been doing so since he read Russell T. Davies’s lurid accounts of procrastination and tedium in The Writer’s Tale. His first Doctor Who story was Aliens of London, because a spaceship crashing into Big Ben is the best thing a 7-year-old can possibly imagine. His favourite episode is definitely Midnight, maybe Listen, truthfully The Robots of Death. No, City of Death. Wait, The Invasion. Okay, Love & Monsters. Seriously. Finally. Gotta love a bit of ELO.
This week, Nathan and James are joined by friend-of-the-podcast Max Jelbart to discuss perennial fan favourite and stone-cold classic Aliens of London. Spoiler alert: we all like it.
This week, James is cleaning the kitchen, Max is standing up and making a difference, and Nathan is hiding in the cupboard under a pile of official documents with only the port decanter for company. The Slitheen are still on the rampage, and only a plucky leftist parliamentarian can stop them. It’s World War Three.
In this week’s Doctor Who–lite episode of Flight Through Entirety, Nathan, Brendan and Max Jelbart reminisce about our own experiences as members of LINDA, before tackling one of Doctor Who’s stranger, darker and madder episodes: Love & Monsters.
This week, Peter’s having a quiet drink, Brendan’s spending a suspicious amount of time in the toilet, Max has gone for a walk in the woods with Sacha Dhawan, and Nathan is looking at dirty postcards and reminiscing about the days when he still used to get out of this chair. Plus, Agatha Christie’s here for cocktails. So be sure to watch out for The Unicorn and the Wasp.
Dashing through the snow, in a one-shark open sleigh, past some pants we go, laughing all the way. (Ha-ha-ha.) Max and Peter sing, making spirits bright, and James and Nathan do their thing in Sardicktown tonight!
It’s Christmas in July, and what could be more Christmassy than having your brains sucked out by predatory alien crabs? Why, Nick Frost as Santa, of course! So welcome, everyone, to your Last Christmas.