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Series 4

For Exactly the Same Reason

We’re back for a new year, a new companion and an exciting new series of the Biggest Thing on TV These Days. But first, we have a simple and effective new weight-loss programme to explode. It’s Partners in Crime.

Episode 180: For Exactly the Same Reason · Recorded on Saturday 1 February 2020 · Download (55.0 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

The Cambridge Latin Course

This week, while Nathan’s lying on the couch hungover, James is in an ecstatic vaporous trance, and Brendan’s admiring his latest avant-garde objet d’art, we are unexpectedly joined by friend-of-the-podcast, Erik Stadnik, who we hope will (eventually) find it in his heart to save us from the latest impending apocalypse, The Fires of Pompeii.

Episode 181: The Cambridge Latin Course · Recorded on Monday 27 January 2020 · Download (58.2 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

The Icy Moral High Ground

This week, James is admiring Mr Halpern’s hardware, Richard’s showing a PowerPoint presentation to some very important clients, Todd’s trying desperately not to fall over this railing, and Nathan’s ranting incessantly about Marx while seriously regretting his lunch order. Welcome to the Planet of the Ood.

Episode 182: The Icy Moral High Ground · Recorded on Saturday 1 February 2020 · Download (46.5 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Crossed That off the Whiteboard

This week, we’re joined again by Adam Richard for a discussion about RTD’s early-season two-parters, sidelining the main characters, the military, cloning, Sontarans, and the perils of spending too much time with our families. It all smells very much like The Sontaran Stratagem.

Episode 183: Crossed That off the Whiteboard · Recorded on Saturday 8 February 2020 · Download (47.2 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

This Soldier, This Soldier, This Soldier, This Soldier

This week, Nathan is crushing on that nice Colonel, James is crushing on a cloned replica of himself, and Peter is crushing on that nice young man who runs the local startup cult academy. And all the time, Adam Richard is roaming this suburban street with an axe, looking for cars to attack. It’s the end of the world, as usual: it’s The Poison Sky.

Episode 184: This Soldier, This Soldier, This Soldier, This Soldier · Recorded on Saturday 8 February 2020 · Download (53.1 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

About His Manpain

This week, we basically stand around gloomily watching a fish drown until Todd cheers us up with some surprisingly athletic backflips. It’s The Doctor’s Daughter.

Episode 185: About His Manpain · Recorded on Saturday 22 February 2020 · Download (47.8 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor


This week, Peter’s having a quiet drink, Brendan’s spending a suspicious amount of time in the toilet, Max has gone for a walk in the woods with Sacha Dhawan, and Nathan is looking at dirty postcards and reminiscing about the days when he still used to get out of this chair. Plus, Agatha Christie’s here for cocktails. So be sure to watch out for The Unicorn and the Wasp.

Episode 186: Lowbrow–Highbrow · Recorded on Saturday 15 February 2020 · Download (50.8 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

No One to Blame but Himself

This week, Nathan, Peter and Richard are joined by renowned Doctor Who blogger Johnny Spandrell, but we spend most of our time lurking among the bookshelves frightened by our own shadows. And despite the customary non-stop chattering, it’s all about Silence in the Library.

Episode 187: No One to Blame but Himself · Recorded on Sunday 23 February 2020 · Download (56.2 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Our New Brigadier

This week, we’re joined again by rockstar Doctor Who blogger Johnny Spandrell, for just under an hour of conversation and fruitless dieting in a VR environment. It’s the start — and the end — of a beautiful friendship, in Forest of the Dead.

Episode 188: Our New Brigadier · Recorded on Sunday 23 February 2020 · Download (54.1 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Your Bezzie Mate

Remember tourism? Sure, you would always end up on a crappy bus full of middle-class English holidaymakers who wanted to kill you, and there was always the imminent threat of alien attack, but at least it got you out of the house. Which is why this week we decided to catch up with Doctor Who YouTuber Josh Snares for a weekend getaway on the planet Midnight.

Episode 189: Your Bezzie Mate · Recorded on Thursday 13 February 2020 · Download (49.3 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Just One Thing

This week, we’re joined by TV’s Joe Lidster, to discuss one of our favourite Doctor Who episodes while the world around us devolves into fascism and the universe collapses into nothingness. I guess that’s what happens when you fail to Turn Left.

Episode 190: Just One Thing · Recorded on Sunday 8 March 2020 · Download (58.3 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Mr Smith’s Fanfare Is Diegetic

This week, Nathan, James, Todd and Peter sit in our separate homes, longing for an invasion where the aliens order us all to congregate in the street together. Which is what happens, of course, in The Stolen Earth.

Episode 191: Mr Smith’s Fanfare Is Diegetic · Recorded on Monday 13 April 2020 · Download (56.3 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Why He Wins

This week, all four of us gather in the Console Room to tow the podcast home after a particularly trying week. It’s time for our journey to end, in — er — Journey’s End.

Episode 192: Why He Wins · Recorded on Monday 13 April 2020 · Download (63.2 MB)

Series 4The Tenth Doctor

Dalek Caan Saves the Day

This week, we look back on Series 4 and consider some of the unanswered questions from the last thirteen weeks of Flight Through Entirety. Is Series 4 the best ever series of New Who? Sylvia Noble: threat or menace? What is the best story of the season, and why is it Midnight? And, as always, who or what should we snog, marry and avoid?

Episode 193: Dalek Caan Saves the Day · Recorded on Sunday 3 May 2020 · Download (74.1 MB)

RetrospectivesSeries 4The Tenth Doctor